Monday, March 7, 2022

Communication and Network Concept


( Star Marks are correct Answer )

1             1. Which topology is best suited for a network that does not have a hub?
a)      Ring*             b)  Star                  c)  Bus                   d) Mesh
               2. How many layers are in the TCP/IP Models?
a)      1 layers         b) 3 layers           c) 5 layers            d) 7 layers*

               3.Which was the first network based on TCP/IP?
a)      NSF                                b) ARPANET*     c) NSFNET           d) ARCNET
               4. ………… a network of networks.
a)      Intranet*     b) Internet          c) Browser          d) Interspaces
               5.       The data transmission rate is expected in……..
a)      Baud*           b) Amplitude     c) Base                  d) none of these

               6.       What protocol does PPP use to identify the network layer protocol?
a)      NCP*             b) HDLC                                c) ISDN                 d) LCP

               7.       Which of the following is a correct format of e-mail address?
a)      www,                          b) name@website.onfo *            
  c) name@website@info                               d)

               8.       Co-axial cables are made of .
a)      Board            b) Base                 c) both a) & b)*                d) none of these

               9.       How long is an IPv6 address?
a)      128 Bytes     b) 128 bits*         c) 32 bits              d) 64 bits

               10.       An internet utility used for remote login is..
a)      Telnet*        b) cookies           c) firewall            d) crackers

               11.       Virus, Worms and Trojan horse are example of..
a)      Adware        b)Spyware          c) Malware         d) all of these*

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Communication and Network Concept (MCQ) ( Star  Marks are correct Answer ) 1             1.   Which topology is best suite...